is an independent website and is not affiliated with Epson, The Epson Company, or Epson unless explicitly stated. The use of Epson brand names, trademarks, images, and Software on this website is for informational purposes only. We do not claim ownership of any third-party products or copyrighted material.

Our website does not offer paid support on behalf of any brand. We generate an income solely from advertisements, and we do not charge our users.

If you choose to download or use any software or instructions available on this website, you assume full responsibility for any damage to your computer, printer, or another device, or any loss of data that may occur. Your use of the content on this website is entirely at your own risk, and we will not be held responsible for any resulting damage.

We may display ads and links to third-party websites, advertisers, services, events, or activities on However, we do not control the content of these third-party websites and therefore are not responsible for their content.

Beware of fake tech support scams and do not pay any charges to us or any other websites for support. Some ads may be misleading, and it is your responsibility to ignore them since their third-party nature means that we cannot control or stop them.

If we are unable to provide a solution to any issue with your Epson product, we strongly suggest that you contact your nearest authorized Epson support centre or visit the Epson support website using the provided link.